
We Come Together

MusicAnswers is a rapidly growing movement of more than 4000 songwriters, composers, performers, and producers united to preserve, protect, and educate about our rights, as we navigate the digital age.

It is our shared belief that a vibrant, sustainable music landscape is only possible when businesses that profit from the use of our work acknowledge its value and the rights of its creators.

Our mission is to bring together our sisters and brothers in music, as well as those on “the other side of the desk” and music fans, to endorse, support, and do all we can to implement our Declaration of Principles.

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For Independent Musicians

everything you need to know...

if you’Re an Independent musician and you still don’t know…

  • How to Register your music with the MLC and Soundexchange

  • What the difference between Sound Recording and Composition Copyright is

  • Where to find affordable legal aid

Then click the link below for helpful resources on all the above and more!

Other Resources

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BE IN THE KNOW! Click on the button below for information on the following and so much more

  • The Music Modernization Act

  • The CASE Act

  • Documents and Statements from the Council of Music Creators

  • Articles on Industry Legislation and Music Rights

  • Other Music Rights Advocacy organizations

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while we’ve got your attention...

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head on over to our

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The interest in music has never been greater, but the life of music creators has never been more difficult. How did it get like this? How does it all work? And what can we do about it?

This is where MusicAnswers comes in. Through deep and detailed conversations with outstanding music creators and industry experts, our podcast answers these crucial questions, helping you to make sense of a complicated system of rights and revenue, navigate the quickly-changing music world, and discover effective steps to maximize the value of your work and the rights you own in it. And underscoring all we do is the simple fact that without people like us there would be no music business. Welcome to the MusicAnswers Podcast.


TL;DR...dont worry, we got you

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for independent musicians

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